Monday, October 31, 2011

Cisco IOS Command Modes

The basic hierarchy of these command modes is as follows:
user EXEC mode->privileged EXEC mode->global configuration mode->
specific configuration modes->configuration submodes->configuration subsubmodes.

When you start a session on the router, you begin in user EXEC mode. For security purposes, only a
limited subset of EXEC commands are available in user EXEC mode. This level of access is reserved for
tasks which do not change the configuration of the router, like checking the router status.


To list the user EXEC commands, use the following command:
The user-level prompt consists of the host name followed by the angle bracket (>):
The default host name is Router unless it has been changed during initial configuration using the setup
command. Refer to the product user guide for information on the setup facility. You can also change the
host name using the hostname global configuration command described in the “Basic System
Management Commands” chapter in the Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference.
To list the commands available in user EXEC mode, enter a question mark (?) as shown in the following
Router> ?

Exec commands:
<1-99>                Session number to resume
connect                Open a terminal connection
disconnect            Disconnect an existing telnet session
enable                  Turn on privileged commands
exit                       Exit from the EXEC
help                      Description of the interactive help system
lat                         Open a lat connection
lock                      Lock the terminal
login                     Log in as a particular user
logout                   Exit from the EXEC
menu                    Start a menu-based user interface
mbranch               Trace multicast route for branch of tree
mrbranch              Trace reverse multicast route to branch of tree
mtrace                  Trace multicast route to group
name-connection    Name an existing telnet connection
pad                       Open a X.29 PAD connection
ping                      Send echo messages
resume                  Resume an active telnet connection
show                    Show running system information
systat                    Display information about terminal lines
telnet                    Open a telnet connection
terminal                Set terminal line parameters
tn3270                 Open a tn3270 connection
trace                     Trace route to destination
where                   List active telnet connections
x3                        Set X.3 parameters on PAD
xremote                Enter XRemote mode

2)  Privileged EXEC Mode

Because many of the privileged commands set operating parameters, privileged access should be
password protected to prevent unauthorized use. The privileged command set includes those commands
contained in user EXEC mode, as well as the configure command through which you can access the
remaining command modes. Privileged EXEC mode also includes high-level testing commands, such as
debug. For details on the debug commands, see the Cisco IOS Debug Command Reference.
The privileged EXEC mode prompt consists of the devices’s host name followed by the pound sign (#),
as shown in the following example:


Step 1  :    Router> enable [password]                 Enters the privileged EXEC mode.
Step 2  :   Router# ?                                            Lists privileged EXEC commands.

3) Global Configuration Mode : 

Global configuration mode is used to configure your system globally, or to enter specific configuration modes
to configure specific elements such as interfaces or protocols. Use the configure terminal privileged
EXEC command to enter global configuration mode.
To access global configuration mode, use the following command in privileged EXEC mode:

Router# configure terminal                  From privileged EXEC mode, enters global configuration

The following example shows the process of entering global configuration mode from privileged EXEC

Router# configure terminal

Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.


Note that the system prompt changes to indicate that you are now in global configuration mode. The
prompt for global configuration mode consists of the host-name of the device followed by (config) and
the pound sign (#). To list the commands available in privileged EXEC mode, issue the ? command at
the prompt.

3 ) Interface Configuration Mode :- 

Step 1:  Router(config)# interface type number              From global configuration mode, enters interface
                                                                                    configuration mode.
Interface type no. are serial and ethernet ports , first check your interface type by typing command :
Router# show ip interface brief  ( Exec Mode )
By typing this command your known interface will be displayed .

Step 2 : Router(config-if)# ?                                         Lists the interface configuration commands.

It will look like as :         Router(config)# interface serial 0        < Press Return >


  • Network – Connection of Computers

  • Ethernet uses only one cable that is used to connect all over the world – RJ45/CAT 5/CAT 6/10 baset. Earlier Token ring was used in Ethernet.

  • Types
    1. Broadcast Multi-Access: All systems are connected to the network and only the addressed system receives the packets. First messages are broadcasted, addresses are received and then the packets are unicasted.
    2. Point-to-point: Only two computers are connected. Address is not mandatory (But is present).It is not broadcasted.

·         Routers: Router is an intelligent device that receives data (packet) and checks from where it comes and where it goes (in the best route).Router is a CISCO product.
Note: CCNA tells about
ü  How to connect computers?
ü  How hosts systems talks to each other, when and why?
ü  How it interacts with the router and how router talks to the outer world?

·         Networks are divided as the private (illegal, reserved, non-routable) and public (Legal) networks. The private networks are secured leased lines that are over a particular area-used internally only. The public networks are world wide. 
·         Computers will have two addresses:
1.      Logical Address – IP Address
2.      Physical Address – Hardware address
                                  -- MAC address
                                  -- Ethernet address
                                  -- Permanent address

·         MAC Address – Media Access Control Address. No two network cards will have the same MAC addresses.

            E.g.:  0010ab 1234cd
                           Vendor    Card No.

·         Operating System: OS interfaces between the hardware and the software. The software program that binds itself to the machine components
·         We need a protocol to transfer data between two systems else your system will be a stand-alone system. In order for two systems to communicate NOS (Network Operating Systems) is needed.
·         TCP/IP is used to transfer data between systems. It is not a single protocol instead it is a stack of protocols.


The CCNA certification indicates knowledge of networking for the small-office,
home-office (SOHO) market and the ability to work in small businesses or
organizations whose networks have fewer than 100 nodes. A CCNA certified
individual can:
■ Install and configure Cisco switches and routers in multiprotocol
internetworks using LAN and WAN interfaces
■ Provide Level 1 troubleshooting service
■ Improve network performance and security
■ Perform entry-level tasks in the planning, design, installation, operation and
troubleshooting of Ethernet, TCP/IP Networks.
CCNA 2 is an integral step towards achieving CCNA Certification.
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to perform tasks related to:
■ Routers and their role in WANs

■ Cisco IOS
■ Router Configuration
■ Router File Management
■ RIP and IGRP Routing Protocols
■ TCP/IP Error and Control Messages
■ Router Troubleshooting
■ Intermediate TCP
■ Access Control Lists


CCNA : Cisco Certified Network Associate

CCNA  focuses on initial router configuration, Cisco IOS Software management, routing
protocol configuration, TCP/IP, and access control lists (ACLs). Students will
develop skills on how to configure a router, managing Cisco IOS Software,
configuring routing protocol on routers, and set the access lists to control the
access to routers.